Basement & Foundation Subsoil Drainage Systems
Basement & foundation subsoil drainage systems are critical for the durability of any building project. Are you planning to construct a home on difficult terrain and require an all-inclusive drainage system? Are you considering a dry basement for possible future finish? Worried about managing moisture levels and the potential threat of mold growth in your basement? It’s crucial to address these concerns at the early stages of building your home on challenging soils.
Obsidian Construction and Fine Homes, LLC, a celebrated business, focused on crafting custom-built homes with an emphasis on long-term durability, which starts with French drains and foundation sub-soil drainage systems. We ensure that every home we build is designed for water resiliency while also considering future accessibility and maintenance needs. Our veteran-led team of team of professionals have successfully completed numerous drainage projects, ranging from foundational work to gutter installations and soil management on properties. Get in touch with our solutions advisor today to learn more about our comprehensive basement and foundation subsoil drainage systems!
Challenges of Terrain
Constructing on sloping lands or clay soil presents unique opportunities, but also several challenges like additional foundation work, drainage, and access issues. These can complicate construction and potentially increase costs. Therefore, having a thorough understanding of these factors and employing effective solutions for poor soil drainage can make a significant difference.
Proper drainage is essential to prevent water from accumulating around a home’s footings, and foundation walls, particularly when building into a hillside. If your site is sloping, and you’re experiencing drainage problems with water entering your basement garage or storage, there are ways to fix these issues.
In addition, if your surface soil contains rock, excavation can be challenging and expensive, meaning you may elect to build the house out from the slope. So, it’s important to evaluate the soil type, presence of ledge, water tables, and surface sub-soil drainage before starting the construction process.
Obsidian Construction and Fine Homes, LLC offers expert designed underground drainage systems:
- Underground gutter drainage system installation and upgrades
- Septic drain field curtain drain protection installation and upgrades
- Lawn and yard French drain system installation and upgrades
- Geotextile installation and replacements
- Sump basin and pump integration
- Interior basement floor subsoil drainage system installation and replacements
- Exterior foundation wall subsoil drainage system installation and replacements
- Foundation waterproofing and drainage mat integration
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Advantages of Sub-Soil Drainage Systems
A study conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that 85% of buildings examined had sustained water damage, and nearly half had experienced leaks within the building’s structure. Water, a potent agent of destruction for materials and buildings, is the second most common cause of insurance claims. Continual or cyclical exposure to water can lead to structural damage and decay in building materials.
- Safer and healthier home due to fewer moisture problems, mold, and other adverse health outcomes
- Passively mitigates radon – creates low pressure path for radon gases to flow out and away from foundation
- Prevents basement leaks by carrying bulk liquid water away from foundation walls, footings, and floors
- Aids in minimizing water draw into concrete footings and capillary action into foundation walls
- Relieves hydrostatic water pressure on foundation walls and minimizes risk of structural damage
- Increases the stability of foundations by preventing soil liquification under footings
- Helps manage humidity levels in finished basements by removing water against basement walls and floors
- Prevents soil erosion – creates pre-determined low resistive paths for water flow during large rain events
- Stops water from pooling on lawn surfaces thereby preventing soggy soil conditions
- Protects septic drain fields – underground curtain drains direct water around, and away from septic system
Effective foundation drainage systems should provide pressure-neutral open pathways that allow water to flow naturally due to gravity. Most sub-soil drain systems utilize a sloping perforated pipe nestled in clean rock and enveloped in a non-woven filter fabric. This geotextile material prevents fine soil particles or sand from permeating through the fabric, thereby safeguarding the clean gravel and ensuring it remains open for air and water circulation. Properly aligned perforated pipes allow rising water to enter, follow the slope of the pipe, and move away from the building’s footing and foundation walls.